| CONTRIBUTIONS (Keynotes & Invited) |
Miguel Roncales (AlphaSip, Spain) |
Triple Trust, nanotechnology for a double index method and one evidencial on the road |
Benito Alén (IMN-CNM, Instituto de Micro y NanoTecnología, CSIC, Spain) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics |
Monolithic quantum light sources for satellital QKD applications
Francisco Diaz Otero (University of Vigo, Spain) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics |
A review on security and technology research activities for terrestrial and space applications
Rajveer Fandan (Instituto de Sistemas Optoelectrónicos y Microtecnología (ISOM), Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, UPM, Madrid, Sp, Spain) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics |
Light matter interaction graphene/h-BN and graphene/h-BN/graphene heterostructures mediated by surface acoustic waves
Ariel Fierro (IFN-GV/ ETSII Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain) - Nanomaterials |
Conceptual Design of a Tritium Breeding Blanket based on Nanostructured Lithium Ceramics
Vanessa Garcia Martinez (FIDAMC, Spain) - Other |
Composites containing graphene-related materials: potential defense applications
Gabriel Molina Terriza (Materials Physics Centre, Spain) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics |
Quantum technologies for Defence applications
Pablo A. Postigo (IMN-CSIC, Spain) - Sensors |
Low-cost, high-sensitivity, fast and easy detection of liquids or gases by a nanophotonic sensor and a smartphone
Ricardo Santana (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana / Universidad de Deusto, Colombia/Spain) - Nanofood |
PTML predictive model por evaluation of nanomaterials linked to vitamines