Paolo Bondavalli (Thales Research & Technology, France) |
Thales efforts in developing applications based on nanomaterials and nanotechnology : energy, spintronics, NVM memories and sensors |
Jérôme Bourderionnet (Thales Research & Technology, France) |
Integrated photonics for RF filters |
Jose Maria de Teresa (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) |
Epitaxial graphene on SiC substrates for potential application in Security and Defense |
Elvira Fortunato (CENIMAT, Portugal) |
Recent Advances on Nano-materials and Technologies for Thin Film Transistors |
Glenn Fox (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) |
Forensic Science at the Nanoscale |
Julio Gomez Cordon (Avanzare, Spain) |
Nanomaterials industrial applications in security and defense |
Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal (IFN-ETSII/UPM, Spain) |
Coatings production for military applications |
Antonio Hernando (IMA-UCM, Spain) |
Microwires multilayers structure for two frequencies absorption |
Margaret E. Kosal (Georgia Tech, USA) |
Nanotechnology and Diffusion of Innovation: Security Challenges for the 21st Century |
Nieves Murillo (Tecnalia, Spain) |
Air Filtering Efficiency Evaluation of PC Nanofiber Filters for Capture of Biological Particles in Personal Dosimeters |
George Palikaras (Metamaterial Technologies Inc., Canada) |
Safety & Security Applications of Optical Metamaterials |
Fabrice Pardo (LPN/CNRS, France) |
The Optical Helmholtz Resonator: a breakthrough for extreme light confinement from IR to RF |
Ovidio Peña Rodríguez (IFN-ETSII-UPM, Spain) |
Invisibility cloaking using thin all-dielectric multilayer coatings |
Asha Peta Thompson (Intelligent Textiles Limited, UK) |
What happens when you use textiles to make electronics for soldier systems? |
Maria Pilar Pina Iritia (INA, Spain) |
Nanoporous chemical receptors on microcantilever-like sensors for explosives detection in vapor phase |
Frank Placido (University of the West of Scotland, UK) |
Thin Film Technologies for Security and Defense Applications |
Jose Manuel Ramos (AITEX, Spain) |
Textile, Nanotechnology and Defence |
Paul Reip (Intrinsiq Materials Ltd, UK) |
Defence Applications for Plastic Electronics |
Jose Maria Riola (SDGTECIN-DGAM, Spain) |
Nanotechnologies: applications of interest for the Ministry of Defence |
Miguel Roncalés (AlphaSIP, Spain) |
Automated Drug Detection System |
Steven Savage (Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden) |
Nanotechnology – an enabling technology, a critical technology or simply a new technology with inflated ego? |
Brent Segal (Lockheed, USA) |
Nanotechnology from the Lab to the Fab |
Pedro A. Serena (ICMM-CSIC, Spain) |
Nanotechnology: the ongoing revolution / Nanotecnología: la revolución en marcha |
Jean-Pierre Simonato (CEA-Grenoble, France) |
Sensing traces of nerve agents like Sarin using nanomaterial based electrical detectors |
Ivano Soliani (Soliani EMC, Italy) |
The textile electrically conductive as security solutions for several applications |
Denis Spitzer (ISL-CNRS-UdS, France) |
Nanostructured energetic materials: opportunities to enhance performances |
Nava Swersky Sofer (International Commercialisation Alliance, Israel) |
Best practices in commercializing nanotechnologies in defense |
Asha Peta Thompson (Intelligent Textiles Limited, UK) |
Question : "what happens when you use textiles to make electronics for soldier systems ?" |
Ian Turner (University of Derby, UK) |
Applications of Nanotechnology in Forensic Science |
Ambiörn Wennberg (Nano4Energy S.L., Spain) |
Innovative approach to thin film sensor development |